All people sooner or later face misunderstandings at work. After you have worked in your position for several years, managed to get to know everyone in the team and establish a kind of communication, relationship problems begin to arise: business and personal. This can have a detrimental effect on your success at work, as well as on your morale. The irritant can be a colleague, a boss, or yourself. How to develop the correct strategy of behavior in a team in order to face less irritants?

To begin with, you must divide the team into several subgroups. This will be a kind of psychological separation based on your observations and intuition.
Single out the group of coworkers who annoy you more often than usual. How can this be manifested? They can allow themselves unflattering statements in your direction, they are directly rude without a twinge of conscience, in any situation they will behave as if they are right and they are not interested in your opinion, since by definition it cannot be correct. These people are extremely emotional, unrestrained, facial expressions are quite saturated. They often have no taste, but they consider themselves attractive enough. These kinds of colleagues pose a threat to you only when you try to get into an argument with them. Be sure that in this dispute you will either lose or you will have to take their side. Therefore, mark this group for yourself with the yellow color of danger. They can cause you problems, but you know how they will behave in a given situation. This will give you an edge over them.
In the next group, include people who are quite nice and friendly to you at first glance, but you have already been convinced that behind your eyes these people are trying to humiliate and insult you, or are slandering you to the bosses and other members of the team. We will mark this group in red, because it is they who can bring confusion into your life, it is they who can unsettle you and make you worry. You should not have any kind of communication with such people, except for the friendly and careful. Never discuss anything with them, and never express exclusively in private with them your opinion on any issue, most likely the very next day your words will be discussed between colleagues in a different interpretation. If they are trying to attack you in front of others, and express their dissatisfaction with your work or behavior, refer to being busy and that you do not have time to listen to idle chatter, and immediately leave. Never raise your voice at them, because then you will be presented as a boor who does not know how to control himself and behaves unprofessionally.
"Green" group. This is a group of persons of a neutral plan. Those with whom you communicate, but they do not express any clear affiliation with any of the aggressive groups. Often these people are either on their own or led by someone. They do not arouse interest in anyone, go about their work and calmly sit out the allotted hours at work.
There is one more group - let it be white, here include those with whom you are friendly and good at communicating. But note that the most likely to get here are good-natured gossips. It is this group that can be useful to you if you decide to teach someone a lesson from the aggressive groups. Because gossipers will gladly spread the information that you give them, without even bothering to check it for truthfulness. But if you are not a thrill-seeker and opt for a relaxed work environment, then in these people you can most likely find a little outlet. Sometimes it's nice to drink tea with someone.
After you divide everyone into imaginary groups, then you will understand the alignment in your collicate, and accordingly, you will be able to form and develop your position more correctly. This will allow you not to run into scandals once again, not to react to provocations and to be calm in any situation. Remember that at work you should be more interested in work, and if someone from the team prevents you from doing this work, then you calmly study this person, develop tactics for overcoming the problems of communicating with him, and continue to perform your duty to your bosses with high quality. …