Did you know that almost half of companies check the accounts of potential employees on social media? To make a good impression, it is enough to take into account a few points …
How social media behavior can affect your work
The first strong argument in your favor will be participation in discussions related to your professional activity. Just keep in mind that comments must be correct and correct.
Some activities (such as sales or journalism) require a large number of contacts. Therefore, the more "work friends" you have, the higher the chances of getting a good position.
Join groups appropriate to your work. Almost 70% of Kadroviks admitted that they like such a candidate. Do not forget about reposts of new interesting articles, and articles in a foreign language will have a greater effect.
Don't complain about work. For 70% of HR specialists, people who constantly complain about their work and their boss do not make them want to call them for an interview. Also, applying for a serious position, give up obscene expressions in statuses and try to avoid grammatical errors.
Filter photos and videos. If a young secretary can afford a cute selfie, then a woman over 35, applying for a high position and pouting her lips with a "bow" will look at least strange. It is also worth giving up candid photos. As a last resort, limit the circle of people who can view them.
Social networks are a real living organism that actively functions on the Internet. With their help, people exchange pictures, video files, talk, etc. And these pictures or videos are far from always made on their own, the music selected in the playlists was bought in special stores
All people sooner or later face misunderstandings at work. After you have worked in your position for several years, managed to get to know everyone in the team and establish a kind of communication, relationship problems begin to arise: business and personal
Some things tend to make noise before they even start. In 2012, the predicted end of the world and attempts to censor the Internet have this property in equal measure. But, if the American laws SOPA and PIPA were rejected, then in Russia amendments to the law "
Scientists have long proven that people who work more than 10 hours a day are much more susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system than those who take 7-8 hours to work. Linking Heart Disease to 12 Hour Workdays First of all, the heart suffers from overwork and accumulated fatigue
Friends on social networks are not always real friends for the user, but most people strive to maintain at least some personal space even in the virtual world. Whether it is worth making friends with the bosses on a social network or not, everyone decides for himself, but it is better to weigh the pros and cons before choosing