Scientists have long proven that people who work more than 10 hours a day are much more susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system than those who take 7-8 hours to work.

Linking Heart Disease to 12 Hour Workdays
First of all, the heart suffers from overwork and accumulated fatigue. It is difficult to prove a direct link between the development of heart disease and the 12-hour workday, but researchers have been able to prove a clear dependence of the occurrence of these ailments on the stress that this group of people receives.
Why is stress dangerous? Constant stress negatively affects the body, it disrupts metabolic processes. Often, a 12-hour workday leads to the fact that a person must go to work being unhealthy. At the same time, it is believed that irregular several hour processing does not negatively affect human health.
Scientists suggest that long hours of work have a negative effect on health if a person has been working in this mode for several years. Also at risk are people who are overweight, have high cholesterol, eat poorly, smoke or consume alcohol.
The negative effects of a 12-hour workday
The negative consequences are highly dependent on the type of work that the person is doing. Those who work in the office usually lose their eyesight pretty soon. In addition, problems with the musculoskeletal system can develop from constant sitting. Cellulite, blood congestion, osteochondrosis, headache, obesity - these are just some of the diseases that threaten people with a similar job.
In addition, the risk of gastrointestinal diseases increases. They are the result of unhealthy diet, eating fast food, not having enough water and liquid food. Gastritis, ulcers, constipation are the consequences of malnutrition for a long time.
Regular lack of sleep leads to chronic fatigue, and this ailment can cause disturbances in the nervous system, changes in pressure, and heart disease. Lack of high-quality physical activity also negatively affects health.
It became known that the brain of middle-aged workers who work 12 hours a day is much worse. In addition, in combination with the habit of smoking, such "brain fatigue" in some cases led to senile dementia.
12 hour workday and depression
Finnish scientists have shown that people who work 12 hours a day are prone to developing depression. At the same time, they managed to establish that negative social or demographic factors did not influence the development of the depressive state in the subjects.
Despite all these depressing facts, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation has repeatedly tried to introduce amendments concerning the extension of the working day to 12 hours. In particular, large business owners are in favor of the adoption of these amendments.