According to Russian labor law, every employee working under labor law is entitled to an annual paid leave of 28 calendar days. And upon dismissal of an employee, you are obliged to pay him compensation for unused vacation. It is expressed in monetary terms and is calculated based on seniority and average earnings.

It is necessary
- - payroll;
- - timesheet.
Step 1
Determine the period for which the employee is entitled to compensation. Include there the time when he was actually at work, days of forced absence, for example, in the case of late payment of wages. Also consider absence from work for valid reasons, but only if this period did not exceed 14 days. Add weekends and holidays.
Step 2
If the month is not fully worked out, add up the number of days that are taken into account when calculating the length of service. If their number is 15 or more, then the month is considered complete, if less - the month is excluded from the calculation.
Step 3
According to the Labor Code, for each year worked (12 months), an employee is entitled to a vacation of 28 days. Its amount can be increased in situations stipulated by Russian law. Thus, in order to calculate the required number of vacation days, 28 days must be divided by 12. It turns out that for each month worked, the employee is entitled to 2.33 vacation days.
Step 4
After that, multiply 2.33 by the number of months worked in the billing period. For example, engineer Ivanov worked for 7 months. Thus, he is supposed to be 2, 33 days * 7 months = 17 days (you can only round up).
Step 5
Now calculate the average wage. To do this, add up all payments in the billing period, including remuneration, bonuses, allowances. Please note that this amount should not include material assistance and amounts paid in the form of gifts.
Step 6
According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the average number of days in a month when calculating vacation pay and compensations for unused vacation is 29, 4. Thus, divide the received amount of payments by the number of months in the billing period, and then by 29, 4. For example, engineer Ivanov for 7 months of work, 70,000 rubles were paid. Thus, the average wage per day is calculated as follows: 70,000 rubles / 7 months / 29, 4 days = 340, 14 rubles.
Step 7
To determine the amount of compensation, multiply the number of unused vacation days by the average daily wage. For example, engineer Ivanov is entitled to compensation in the amount of 17 days * 340, 14 rubles = 5782, 38 rubles.
Step 8
In order to document the payment of compensation for unused leave upon dismissal, first draw up an order to terminate the ore contract (form No. T-3). Next, draw up a reference calculation (form No. t-61). After that, make a note in the employee's personal card (form No. T-2).
Step 9
If you are applying for vacation compensation at the request of an employee, that is, not in connection with dismissal, then first you will receive an application from the employee, where he must ask to replace the main vacation with monetary compensation. Then draw up an order. Based on it, make a calculation.