The person exercising control always comes under psychological pressure from the people he controls. Both parties perceive the level of quality of the work performed in their own way. To avoid conflicts and unnecessary emotional experiences, it is necessary to establish quality control rules that are unambiguously perceived by all participants in the process.

Step 1
Define control goals. Describe specifically what "quality" is and what are the criteria for defining it. Vague and vague formulations will not allow you to effectively control the process. If quality work has many details, list them. Describe the quality criteria for each item in detail.
Step 2
Establish rules by which the quality level is determined. Use the criteria described earlier for this. The rules should be written in the form of step-by-step instructions. It will help you argue your conclusions about quality control in case of conflict situations. To convince the interlocutor, it will be enough to tell you step by step how you exercised control.
Step 3
Prepare a sample of quality work. It is necessary for training the employees you intend to control. Until people see quality work, they will not understand what you require of them. A sample will be remembered better than written instructions.
Step 4
Prepare a sample of substandard work. Employees performing work must be able to separate high-quality work from low-quality work. If you teach them how to do this by patterns, they can control themselves as they work.
Step 5
Make sure that the rules for determining the quality of work and the templates drawn up in the previous steps are clear to employees. Ask them questions to gauge their understanding.
Step 6
Set control points. These are the work intervals during which quality control is carried out. People should not flinch at your sudden appearance. Explain clearly at what stages of work and why supervision is needed.