For a manager, assessing the quality of work of subordinates is a rather complicated matter and this process does not always go without conflicts. The purpose of such an event should not be to punish negligent employees, it is more important to identify opportunities for staff improvement, taking into account past mistakes and achievements.

Step 1
To really assess the quality of the work of employees, you need to prepare in advance an action plan for the organization for a certain period, for example, one year. Then continue working in this way:
Step 2
At the beginning of the year, list the tasks facing employees and what results you expect from them, taking into account subjective and objective indicators.
Step 3
It is necessary to carry out interim assessment checks of work, which will contribute to the success of the final assessment, since the employee will understand during this time what expectations are associated with his work. If the project is designed for a year, it will be enough to do such checks, at least once a quarter. In addition, he will have time to correct the situation and by the final assessment it will be clear whether he is doing the job or not. We must not forget to document the intermediate results and issue them to employees and managers as references.
Step 4
The final assessment will help to finally assess the quality of the employee's work. Instead of independently dealing with the final verification document, it is wiser to leave this work to the employee himself. Create forms in which employees will need to enter their rating according to each task specified in the work plan. Let them make notes to confirm the rating. The results, expressed in numbers, will be presented by them reliably, and as for self-esteem, even if it is overestimated, in the end you will get a completely objective and real picture.
Step 5
Based on the submitted documents, you can proceed to the final assessment, which will not be unexpected for employees, thanks to the methodology presented above. Edit the required changes and format them as needed for the standard form.