Each owner strives to ensure that the management team of the company is effective. With an increase in the level of management in an organization, the requirements for the quality of a leader also change. What should a modern manager know and be able to do? And how to evaluate the work of a leader?

Step 1
Evaluate a manager's performance against measurable criteria. As a rule, these are economic, quantitative or temporal indicators: profit growth, profitability, volume of orders, increase in the number of customers, staff turnover, and others. Whatever the manager, he is required, first of all, to timely and high-quality performance of the tasks assigned to him. This largely depends on his knowledge, skills, experience, ability to take responsibility and make the right decisions at the right time. Highlight the individual's personal accomplishments and contributions to running the company.
Step 2
Evaluate the senior manager's management methods and style. The modern leader performs many functions: organizational, directing, controlling, stimulating and punishing, communication. The ability to combine administrative, economic and socio-psychological methods of management in work will be competent.
Step 3
Evaluate the personal qualities of a leader, because managing people is in many ways a psychological process. The leader should be able to create a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, competently resolve the emerging interpersonal conflicts. An employee's productivity largely depends on the relationship he has with the manager. The manager must be well versed in people, find an approach to each of the subordinates. It would be right not to try to change a person, but to help him reveal his potential for the success of a common cause.
Step 4
Assess the indirect factors that affect the achievement of goals and results. These indicators include efficiency, quality of performance of assigned tasks, tension. Contrast the leader with the "ideal" manager the company would like to have. The indirect factors also include the personal resources and connections of the manager, which can be of decisive importance in the work.