In recent years, the motivation of employees has changed a lot, for example, before they tried to find a long-term job and work on it, if not all their lives, but for the most part. Today, a career cannot be scheduled for several years ahead, life confronts people with unforeseen circumstances, and they are forced to change professions and places of work. The role of the HR manager is to advise employees, provide conditions for work, that is, his duties are contained in the word "mentor". How to characterize the work of such an employee?

Step 1
The HR manager must first and foremost be able to organize employees. To do this, he must have the ability to negotiate, have a pleasant appearance and have people to him. It is by the results of his work that professionalism can be determined. The assessment criterion is the employer's satisfaction with the staffing level.
Step 2
He should also be able to assess the professionalism of an employee, that is, to discern in him a person valuable to the company. It will also be important to interest such an employee, to explain to him the advantages of this work.
Step 3
The next indicator is the ability to adapt new people. Here, the HR manager will need knowledge of the organization of the business, as well as the work of each link in the structure. An indicator of a positive assessment is good reviews about the accepted employee, the time of his probationary period.
Step 4
Also, the manager must be able to retain talented employees. To do this, he will need knowledge about the motivation of people. He must identify gifted workers. The performance assessment is the number of activities carried out to retain such staff members.
Step 5
The manager's responsibilities include moving people up the career ladder, that is, he must evaluate employees and, based on this, offer them to a higher position. The work is assessed by the number of promoted workers and the period of their increase from the day of hiring.
Step 6
Personnel training is also an important factor. The manager must know the market for educational services, as well as be able to choose ways of teaching people and draw up programs for the self-realization of employees.
Step 7
Knowledge of HR administration is a very important criterion in the work of a manager. He must know labor laws and be able to keep records.
Step 8
Also an important quality of such a manager is the ability to interact with subordinates, prioritize and resolve conflict situations.