Each manager is interested in the effective and efficient work of his subordinates. For this, it is important to know and be able to apply methods to improve the quality of their work. At the same time, you need to understand that different employees require their own motivational incentives, depending on their personal needs.

Step 1
For many, the main factor of professional satisfaction is the recognition of their importance, respect for the team. Motivation for an employee here can be career advancement or the creation of external attributes of the employee's honor that distinguish him from the rest.
Step 2
A favorable psychological climate in the working environment, the absence of intrigues and conflicts largely depend on the ability of the leader to unite employees and to suppress destructive processes in the team at the root. As a result, employees have the opportunity to focus exclusively on their work tasks, without being distracted by settling extraneous issues.
Step 3
For individual employees, the ability to choose a convenient work schedule can be of particular value. This is especially true for people with creative abilities focused on performing creative tasks. Such workers are most effective when they are free to work.
Step 4
Those interested in personal and professional development love challenging tasks that provide an opportunity to learn something new. By entrusting an employee with such a task, you can expect high results in a short time.
Step 5
In any team there are workers for whom a decent salary, a significant social package and comfortable working conditions are the highest values in their work. Here it is worth focusing on material incentives: a regular increase in wages, bonuses, the provision of benefits and other opportunities.
Step 6
Psychologists say that the instinct of competition is inherent in humans. Smart use of this phenomenon can bear fruit. However, one should approach the issue of creating internal competition between colleagues with extreme caution, so as not to cause intrigue and envy in the team. It is important to provide everyone with equal opportunities, think over clear criteria for evaluating results, and make information about the results achieved "transparent".