How To Deal With An Employer

How To Deal With An Employer
How To Deal With An Employer

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There are no trifles in communicating with a subordinate and a boss. To stay in good standing with the management, you need to not only fulfill your duties, but also have a certain weight in the work collective.

How to deal with an employer
How to deal with an employer


Step 1

To earn the respect of an employer, you need to behave the right way. Perform their duties efficiently and quickly. Do not shift responsibility to others, be clearly responsible for your scope of work. Do not disrupt the deadlines, do not give up the parallel management of several projects. If this is part of your job duties, the manager may require this from you.

Step 2

Communicate with colleagues in a friendly way, but do not intrude. This is a working team, not a fun party. Too much penetration into personal space interferes with work. You can feel sorry for a friend and not inform him about a mistake, and then she will threaten the whole department with big problems. Therefore, keep some distance with your colleagues, it will help you maintain an even working relationship.

Step 3

Don't get involved in corporate squabbles. It often happens, especially in a women's team, that one leader cannot find a common language with another and sets up the entire department against the opponent. Distance yourself from the situation. Your business is to clearly fulfill duties, and not to settle squabbles and scandals.

Step 4

If your employer forces you to work overtime without extra pay, make it clear that in addition to work, you have household responsibilities. And you can discuss additional hours only if they are paid in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Very often in such a situation, employees are frightened by dismissal. But it is impossible to do this without a reason. And if you are a valuable person, then the manager would rather agree to pay you extra for overtime work than fire you, and then look for a suitable specialist.

Step 5

Do not curry favor with the leadership. This behavior shows that you are not confident in yourself as a specialist. And even if you do your job well, the boss will have doubts about the competence. He will monitor you more closely, and working under close supervision is the hardest part. Therefore, be confident in communicating with the management, even if something does not work out. Say that these are temporary work difficulties that can be easily corrected. Seeing your peace of mind, the manager will make sure that you are exactly the specialist he needs.
