A private detective is not entitled to carry out his activities without obtaining an appropriate license issued in accordance with the law. To obtain a license, a citizen must meet certain conditions and provide the documents necessary for registration as a private detective.

Step 1
Register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur. Get a referral for fingerprinting from your local Licensing Office. Pass a fingerprint at the Department of Internal Affairs (OVD) at the place of registration.
Step 2
Submit to the Department of Internal Affairs an application, documents confirming your citizenship, a questionnaire, a medical certificate in the form of 046-1 on the state of health, photographs and a copy of a certificate of fingerprint registration. Due to the fact that to obtain a license of a private detective, you must have either at least 3 years of work experience in investigative or operational units, or legal education or professional training, you must provide the relevant supporting documents.
Step 3
Indicate in the application the data of the document on the basis of which the entry about the individual entrepreneur and the registration number of this entry was made in the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs. Describe the territory within which you plan to provide private investigation services, and list them.
Step 4
Answer the questions of the questionnaire in full: "I was not", "I am not." You will also need to provide information about the need for the hardware and the intention to use it. Indicate in this document what special means you intend to use in the course of your work. Attach to the documents a receipt confirming the payment of the state fee for the issuance of the license.