How correctly the claim for moral damage will be drawn up depends not only on how the court will consider your application, but also whether you will be paid compensation for the damage caused.

Step 1
A claim for infliction of moral harm can be drawn up and filed in writing if the victim was subjected to mental and physical suffering from the outside (Articles 151 and 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
Step 2
In the upper left corner of the sheet, indicate the name of the court to which you intend to apply (name and region or province to which it belongs).
Step 3
Here also indicate information about yourself: last name, first name, patronymic, series and passport number, address. Slightly below the same data about the defendant (except for the passport). If the statement is drawn up by a representative of the plaintiff, then it is necessary to write his data.
Step 4
Correctly write the title of the statement: "Claim for compensation for moral damage." When the "header" of the document is ready, you can go to the content.
Step 5
Describe in detail your petition: what is the violation of your right, and what harm was caused to you by the defendant. Provide and describe the existing evidence of the violation of your freedom of personality, indicate what proceedings have already taken place before the trial.
Step 6
Indicate what you are asking the court for. Here you need to write what amount of money (in words) you demand from the defendant and the requirement to call witnesses to confirm the offense.
Step 7
Attach the required documents and their copies. For example, a copy of the application itself and a receipt confirming the payment of the state fee. Exempt from payment are persons who constitute a claim for moral damage in connection with someone's criminal offense.
Step 8
Do not forget to put your signature (or the signature of a representative) and its transcript at the bottom of the application.