The work record lists the entire length of service, the date of admission and dismissal from each enterprise. It is necessary to restore the length of service when applying for a labor pension or when applying for a job at a new enterprise, if the work book is lost.

- - archival references;
- - application to the court;
- - documents confirming the length of service;
- - testimony of witnesses.
Step 1
You can restore work experience in case of loss of a work book by documenting it. To do this, you will have to collect certificates about the periods of work from all enterprises in which you have ever worked. Go to the archive, where the files of all employees who quit the company are transferred within one year. If one year has not passed after your dismissal, and the HR inspector did not manage to process and transfer the case to the archive, you can get a certificate directly from the HR department. The new employer will issue you a duplicate of the work book and enter all the information confirming your work experience. They are required for the calculation of social benefits.
Step 2
If you applied for a labor pension, and you need to confirm the length of service that is not indicated in the work book, you can also contact the archive of the enterprise where you worked and receive extracts confirming the periods of your labor activity.
Step 3
It will be much more difficult to restore work experience if archival information is lost under extraordinary circumstances, for example, in a fire, flood or improper storage of documents. In this case, to restore the length of service, apply to the arbitration court with a statement of claim.
Step 4
Submit documentary evidence of all periods of work at each enterprise. This may be the testimony of witnesses, colleagues, employment contracts, financial documents confirming the transfer of wages, any other documents indirectly confirming that you worked at a particular enterprise.
Step 5
It is only necessary to confirm the length of service until 1996. Since it was in this year that a unified personified account began to operate, and employers began to deduct contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the experience since 1996 can be easily confirmed by receiving a certificate of deduction of insurance premiums.