The loss of a work book leads to many troubles. There are also problems when applying for a job and when applying for a pension. There is only one way out - to restore it. In fact, this is not even the restoration of the book, but the design of its duplicate. You can, of course, follow the path of least resistance and ask the craftsmen to "draw" this document. But according to the Criminal Code, this is a forgery of a document, which threatens punishment up to and including arrest. Better to make a duplicate in a legal way.

Step 1
First, contact your last employer for whom you worked, and the entry about which was in your work book and write a statement about the loss of the work book. Together with the application, you must provide the originals of documents confirming the work experience. These can be orders of admission, employment contracts, information from the Pension Fund in the form of SZV-K and SZI-5. The first contains information about the length of service for the period when the employee was not yet registered in the compulsory pension insurance system. The second certificate is already an extract from the employee's personal account.
Step 2
If the book was lost by the employer in the event of force majeure, then a special commission is created, based on the results of which an act is created. It describes all periods of work, profession and length of service. The employee himself is given a duplicate. If the book is lost due to negligence of the employer, then he is brought to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine. The threat of a fine can force an unscrupulous employer to return the book if he wanted to use it for his own purposes.
Step 3
Moreover, this must be done immediately upon detection of a loss. Within 15 days from the date of application, this employer must issue you a duplicate. This duplicate should contain information about the continuous or total work experience until the moment the employee joined the last employer, as well as information about all incentives at this last place of work. The peculiarity of the duplicate is that it records the experience in the total amount, without specifying the employers and profession.
Step 4
If your employer no longer exists, that is, the company has been liquidated, then you need to send a request to the archive where the documents of this organization are stored. The archive will issue a certificate, which will be one of the documents confirming your experience. If there is no information, then you can go to court, bring two witnesses and submit documents that can at least somehow confirm your words.