To apply to the Arbitration Court, you must correctly draw up a statement of claim. Incorrectly executed, it may not be accepted for consideration by the court. The content and form of such a statement is governed by Art. 125 "Code of Arbitration Procedure of the Russian Federation". It is this normative act that should be guided by when writing a statement of claim to an arbitration court.

Step 1
Start filing a statement of claim by filling in the required details. Write the name of the arbitration court to which the claim will be submitted. Next, provide the detailed details of the defendant. For an organization, this will be the name, location, contact coordinates (phone, e-mail), place and date of state registration (for individual entrepreneurs). For an individual, indicate the last name, first name and patronymic, place and date of his birth, home address, telephone number for communication.
Here it is recommended to report the amount of the claim and indicate the amount of the state fee.
Now, in the center of the sheet, place the title of the document "Statement of Claim" and briefly describe the essence of the appeal.
Step 2
In the main part of the document, state the circumstances that gave rise to the appeal to the arbitration court. Describe exactly how your rights were violated, provide and justify the calculation of the amount that, in your opinion, should be recovered from the defendant. In addition, be sure to indicate evidence that allows you to make claims against the defendant, referring to specific articles of the Law of the Russian Federation. Let the court know about your attempts to resolve the dispute before going to court.
Step 3
In the final part of the statement of claim, list your requirements for the defendant, referring to the court, using the word "Please". After that, list all the documents attached to the claim in the specially designated section "Appendix". Now put the date and sign, decipher the signature in brackets.