According to modern legislation, obtaining a certificate of a professional accountant is not a prerequisite. However, he can really confirm your mobility and qualifications - it is much easier to get a job with him.

Step 1
Not every specialist can get a certificate of a professional accountant. The certificate is issued only to accountants who have a higher education in economics, who have work experience as a chief accountant (or deputy) or a teacher (consultant) in accounting, and for at least three years. Call one of the educational and methodological centers at the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia and sign up for the course. Classes are held three times a week in the evenings, there are also weekend groups, so you can study in parallel with your main job.
Step 2
Apply and complete training at one of the accredited training centers. The training course "Training and Certification of Professional Accountants" consists of 240 academic hours. It was developed in accordance with the "Measures for the implementation of the Accounting Reform Program in 2001-2005", which were approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2001. Training can be obtained in different areas: chief accountant, accountant-consultant, financial manager, financial consultant. Courses can also be basic or advanced. Upon completion of the courses, you will in any case receive a certificate of completion. If you want to get a certificate of a professional accountant, you will have to take exams.
Step 3
The exam is conducted in two stages. Stage 1 - oral and written examination, which is taken by the teachers of the training educational and methodological center. Having passed it, the trained specialist is admitted to the second stage. Stage 2 - written exam. The second stage is carried out by the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia (IPBR). It is the IPBR that makes a decision on the issuance of a certificate of a professional accountant. This certificate is valid for five years. In order for an accountant to have the right to renew the certificate, he must constantly undergo advanced training. That is why, when applying for a job, a certificate is so often required - it is clear evidence that an accountant does not stand still in his professional education.