The judgment that it is possible to work only after graduating from a university has long been outdated. Many modern students combine study with work. There are many options for this: remote work, part-time work, internship, part-time work, or even work on a permanent basis.
Step 1
A job that a student can almost easily find is a freelance job that does not imply admission to the state. But this type of work has an undeniable advantage, namely: the student can choose what kind of work to do and when exactly (this can be writing articles, and creating logos, slogans, and so on). And whether such a job will be only a part-time job or will become stable depends only on you. Another advantage is that with the growth of your experience, a higher salary will come (you will be lucky if you find a regular customer, because stability in this case will obviously not be superfluous). This factor depends not so much on your abilities and skills as on luck and luck.
You can find a job as a freelancer without any problems, you just need to go online and find the appropriate sites, fortunately, at the moment there are a great many of them. From among them, it is quite possible to choose those that you like.
Step 2
There is another option - an internship, that is, work in the course of which a specialty is taught, but at the same time the student also receives a salary. Internships are usually open to senior students and graduates; to find such a job, you should contact the HR manager of the company where you wish to apply. You can ask the manager about the possibility of an internship and tell him about your desire to cooperate. This is how many students start their careers.
Step 3
However, not all students find work in their specialty while studying. But even in this case, there is an opportunity to work on a permanent basis and earn your own funds (this can be a job as a waiter, distributor of goods, courier, etc.). Vacancies can be found on the Internet or contact the office of the company that needs your services directly.