How To Formalize Employees

How To Formalize Employees
How To Formalize Employees

Table of contents:


The employer, when hiring employees, must register them in accordance with Russian labor law, otherwise the labor inspectorate will be interested in the organization. The procedure for concluding an agreement is spelled out in Chapter 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to formalize employees
How to formalize employees


Step 1

First of all, ask the applicant to write a statement addressed to the head of the organization. The appeal should look something like this: “I ask you to take me to the position of (name according to the staffing table) from (specify the date). I am attaching copies of the following documents."

Step 2

After that, ask him to provide a passport, TIN certificate, insurance pension certificate (SNILS), education document and others. For example, you are hiring a driver. In this case, you just need to take a copy of the driver's license from the employee. Or you employ a sales assistant in the grocery department. Ask him to provide a medical book.

Step 3

Draw up an order for employment (form No. T-1). In this document, indicate the employee's personnel number, his full name, position, tariff rate and allowances, and other conditions for hiring. Give the order for signature to the employed person, sign it yourself. Also, you must give the employee a job description and other local acts (a liability agreement, for example) for signing by the employee.

Step 4

Enter into an employment contract with the employee. Write down all the conditions of work, obligations and rights of the parties. If the employee is hired temporarily, so indicate in the legal document. Thus, here you must describe all the nuances of work (rest time, working hours, payment procedures, etc.). Sign the contract, give it to the employee for signature.

Step 5

Enter information about the work in the work book. Note that any recording is made only in the presence of the employee himself. If this document is not available (for example, this is the first place of work of an employed person), you must draw up it yourself.

Step 6

Issue a personal card and file for the employee. Here you must enter all the information about the person. File copies of all documents to the file.
