How To Write A Private Complaint

How To Write A Private Complaint
How To Write A Private Complaint

Table of contents:


When a court of general jurisdiction is considering civil cases, rulings are made in the following cases: if the dispute is resolved or no decision is made. If you are not satisfied with the court ruling, then you need to write an ancillary complaint. It is also called an appeal. Such a document should be submitted to the appellate instance.

How to write a private complaint
How to write a private complaint


  • - the civil procedure code of the Russian Federation;
  • - court ruling;
  • - the passport;
  • - details of the defendant;
  • - supporting evidence.


Step 1

Writing a private complaint is possible only if the type of determination is spelled out in the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and is subject to appeal. Submit the document to the Supreme Court if the first instance in a civil case is a regional judge. File a complaint with the regional court if the first instance is a district judge.

Step 2

In the "header" of a private complaint, write the full name of the regional, Supreme Court or court of the republic, that is, the instance that has the right to cancel the determination of the lower court.

Step 3

Next, enter your personal information and address of your place of residence if you are filing a complaint on your behalf. If the civil case is being dealt with on behalf of a company, enter the full name of the organization in accordance with the charter, other constituent document. Write the surname, initials of an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur, if the company has an appropriate organizational and legal form. Enter the address of the location of the business.

Step 4

Write the name of the document in capital letters. Next, write in the date on which the court issued the ruling that you wish to appeal. Indicate the name of the court (city, district, regional). Enter the personal data of the defendant against whom you filed a claim. Then write your last name, initials or organization name (depending on who the plaintiff is). Describe the content of the claim.

Step 5

Indicate the reasons why you disagree with the court ruling. When doing so, refer to legislation. Provide evidence to support your case.

Step 6

Write the name of the court that issued the ruling. Please state your request to refer the complaint case for reconsideration. Attach proof to your document. Make copies of the private complaint. Sign, date, submit to the appellate instance.
