What Is Property As An Object Of Regulation

What Is Property As An Object Of Regulation
What Is Property As An Object Of Regulation

Economic transformations are, first of all, the reform of property relations. The problem of property gives rise to many complex, multi-level problems, which are important to solve for all social structures. Therefore, the transformation of property relations requires support and regulation from the authorities.

What is property as an object of regulation
What is property as an object of regulation

Objectives of property regulation

The regulation of economic relations does not significantly affect the change in the nature of such relations. In any case, changing the scheme for selling property is unlikely to shake the right to property in general. State regulation is designed to streamline the economic behavior of participants in property relations.

The possibilities and limits of property regulation involve the solution of two important questions: what requires regulation and how. The answer to the first question is the definition of the object of regulation (i.e. property), highlighting the key points, influencing which it is possible to achieve certain results. The answer to the second question requires analyzing the process of property regulation itself, revising the methods, tools, criteria by which this process takes place. Property as an object of regulation has always been at the center of attention of economics. Since property is a multifaceted category, there are many approaches to solving property problems.

Property category meaning

Property relations are expressed through a number of states - possession, disposal, use. The appropriation of property exists in two types: it can be the result of economic relations between participants in social production or the direct result of labor processes. There is no production outside of society, therefore, appropriation in society always means property relations.

The concepts of using, owning, disposing of property are all different levels of social appropriation of material goods. In an economic sense, this is a reflection of social and production relations between people. Internal disagreements over ownership often reach a critical level that requires a revision of existing regulatory mechanisms.

Industrial relations and property relations are independent economic phenomena, despite their close interaction. In any case, property relations do not always arise as a result of production relations. Due to the diversity of such a category as property, it is necessary to approach the issue of its regulation with special care.
