What Is An Insured Event

What Is An Insured Event
What Is An Insured Event

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The term "insured event" is defined in clause 2 of article 9 of the Federal Law "On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation". A more specific formulation of this definition is given in the insurance contract.

What is an insured event
What is an insured event


A computer with an Internet connection


Step 1

Read the general definition of an insured event. As you know, an event that is an insured event is an event that is provided for either by an insurance contract or by law, after the entry into force of which there is an obligation on the side of the insurer to make insurance payments to the side of the policyholder or the insured person.

Step 2

Please note that the types of insurance claims are specified in the laws. For example, such insured events as reaching retirement age, getting a disability, any illness or injury, getting injuries at work, that is, prof. diseases, etc. Insured events can also include the appeal of an individual who has an insurance policy under the compulsory medical insurance program to a hospital to receive medical assistance. Thus, the insured event should be considered not the fact of a person's illness, but the fact of the policyholder's appeal to a medical institution.

Step 3

Pay attention to another important type of insured event related to the insurance "CASCO auto". As you know, this type of insurance is intended to insure the material value of a car. The very definition of an insured event for this type of insurance is indicated in the contract and assumes an event that has occurred with a vehicle, which led to material damage and obliges the insurer to compensate for the material damage caused. This formulation makes it possible to introduce into the range of insured events such events as a traffic accident, theft of a vehicle, injuries caused by illegal actions of any third parties, and even a flood or fire. However, filing a traffic accident or theft of a car with the client's police is not considered an insured event.

Step 4

Please note that the occurrence of the insured event still needs to be proven. The proof of the occurrence of the insured event depends on its very definition, prescribed in the insurance contract. For example, if we are talking about OSAGO insurance, the action of which is related to the insurance of the liability of an individual, then it is necessary to prove that the road traffic accident happened precisely through the fault of the insured, and not in another way. Only in this case, the insurance company will consider the case to be insured and will be obliged to pay compensation for damage caused by the policyholder.
