The event report can be short or detailed. But it must contain data on how much money was spent on organizing the event and how many guests came. And also a list of the press that attended the evening.

Step 1
Fill in the "header" of the report as follows. Above, in the middle of A4 sheet, write REPORT in large print. On the next line "about the held event", indicating the name of the event in quotation marks. Below it is the date and venue.
Step 2
After two or three lines indented, type the subheading "invitees". Here indicate the number of those to whom the invitation cards were sent and those who attended the event. You can find out this in a simple way. Prepare a certain amount of souvenirs in advance. Shortly before the end of the event, place promoters near the exit who will distribute gifts. By calculating the remaining number, you will find out how many guests were. Or, under the guise of a lottery, collect invitations and business cards from those who came. On the one hand, you will count those present, on the other, you will acquire useful contacts. Specify separately how many vip-persons were - general directors of enterprises, shareholders, famous personalities. List their first and last names.
Step 3
In the "press" section, write how many journalists were present and for which media they worked. Add contact numbers here. If publications have already been published, attach them to the report.
Step 4
The next subheading is "event". Here describe how the evening went, who from the management performed on stage, what was in the program. Tell us how the audience perceived the organization, whether they liked the buffet table and the music. Attach a cost estimate at the end. All costs should be spelled out there: renting a hall, paying for the presenter's work, the cost of souvenirs, etc. Count how much money was spent for each guest.
Step 5
"Notes". Here, describe the shortcomings of the event in as much detail as possible. Where there were glitches, what went wrong. This will help prevent repetition of situations in the future. Give recommendations on how to optimize the process of organizing a holiday. It may be necessary to involve more staff or change the guest notification system. All of these comments are very important to the management reviewing your report.
Step 6
The last one is photographs. Please attach your best images of the event to your report. Try to capture the influx of guests, smiles on faces, applause. Do not forget to attach a photo of the director. The management is always flattering attention to its own person.