Family happiness does not always last long. The division of the spouses' property happens to be delayed for many years. And it can be difficult to protect your property rights, especially if you do not know the basics of family law. But each country has its own subtleties of divorce, so the final verdict of the court depends on the jurisdiction of a particular state.

the largest number of divorces in the world is in Italy. First, the court makes a decision on separation, only after that the former spouses are allowed to apply for the division of property. If the wife was a housewife, the husband is obliged to pay her maintenance until she finds a job or a new husband. After divorce, the spouse has the right to a part of the joint property.
In India, the dowry, or stridahna, is of great importance in divorce. Therefore, gifts for the wedding are made good. Interesting family law in Sweden. Here, in the first year of cohabitation, the spouses have no right to each other's property. 5 years after the registration of the marriage, the spouse - not the owner of the home - can claim 1/5 of the property of the other half. And only in the 6th year of marriage, the parties can split in half.
In the UK, property is divided according to conscience, that is, in such a way that each part corresponds to the financial contribution of each of the parties. Legal practice shows that in this country protection in case of divorce is needed just by the husband, and not by the wife, since it is he who provides the ex-wife and children with housing, additionally paying a lifetime remuneration.
In Germany, the divorce process is long, it can last about 3 years. As a rule, the husband pays his wife for life in the amount established by the court. However, if he died, his relatives would have to do it for him.
The country in which the most liberal and democratic way of dividing property is legalized is France. Here the spouses conclude an agreement for three months, and resolve all issues related to the division of the acquired. But not everywhere there are impeccable laws, for example, in Cambodia, property is divided in half in the literal sense of the word. The ex-spouse has the right to saw the house and take the wreckage with him.