The Unified Register of Legal Entities is an information resource owned by the state. The authorities of the federal tax service of Russia are responsible for maintaining it and providing information from the register. Information about a specific company is issued in the form of an extract. This is necessary, for example, to apply to an arbitration court or for other purposes. Information from the register is publicly available and open, anyone can get it. To receive an extract you need:

Step 1
Find out in advance in the organization to which you will provide the statement, the validity period, so that your efforts to obtain it are not in vain.
Step 2
Submit an application to the tax authority with a request to issue an extract about a specific organization or individual entrepreneur, or about yourself (there is no established form of such an application). At the same time, write the full name, organizational and legal form, TIN. The application is signed by the manager. In the application, you do not have to indicate what information about the organization you would like to receive, but you can also list them. The method of receiving the statement should be determined: in person or by mail. You can order any number of copies of the statement. To provide an extract to the court, you must remember that it is valid for 30 days. You can send an application by mail, electronically through the website For filing in person, an employee of the organization draws up a power of attorney
Step 3
Pay the state duty according to the details indicated on the website of the tax inspectorate or on information stands. The cost of an extract is 200 rubles, an extract for itself is provided to a legal entity free of charge. For urgent production of an extract, the fee is 400 rubles. You will receive information about your company free of charge.
Step 4
Receive a statement directly from the tax authority. The term of production is no more than five working days from the date of submission of the application.