If you own a land plot, this means that at any time you can sell it and convert the land into banknotes. But, since land is considered real estate and, in addition, is subject to taxation, any land plot is registered with the state cadastral register. Therefore, you can sell a plot only by collecting the necessary package of documents confirming your right to this plot of land.

Types of title documents for land plots
Currently, citizens who own land plots have different rights to them. The type of right is indicated in the documents of title and is defined as a condition for the use of this site:
- property;
- rent;
- unlimited use;
- inherited ownership for life;
- free fixed-term use.
This right is confirmed by the relevant documents, which include:
- certificate of ownership of land of a new type;
- certificate of ownership of land of the old model;
- a state act on the ownership of land, life-long inheritable possession, perpetual (permanent use) land;
- decisions of district administrations or agreements on the sale and purchase or lease of land plots.
To date, you can easily and immediately sell only that plot, the ownership of which is formalized in the form of a certificate of a new sample. This means that the plot and the right to it are registered in the state register, the land is in the cadastral register, there is a cadastral plan. Everyone else needs to complete the registration of land plots in ownership and obtain a new certificate and register the land plot.
What documents are required to sell land
Having a certificate and a cadastral plan in hand, contact a geodetic organization that has the appropriate certification, draw up an agreement for the production of a land survey plan, which will include an act of agreeing the boundaries of the site with adjacent landowners.
Registration of a transaction for the sale of a land plot in terms of time can last from 3 to 6 months.
If there are capital structures on the site, it is necessary to order from the BTI a technical passport for them and the production of a certificate of the assessed value. If there are no buildings, the BTI should still issue a certificate that they are absent on this site.
After the land survey is transferred and approved by the territorial cadastral chamber, you will receive a cadastral plan of the land plot for sale in your hands. If the property was in joint ownership, prepare a notarized consent of the spouse for the sale of land and buildings in the event that they are available on the site.
The sales contract can be drawn up in a simple written form, its notarization is not a mandatory requirement.
Draw up a purchase and sale agreement at a notary public or at the registration chamber, and order an extract from the USRR there. Then, submit to the registration chamber the entire package of documents required for registering the transaction:
- application for state registration of the transaction and transfer of ownership;
- documents proving the identity of the participants;
- a receipt for payment of the state duty;
- originals of title documents;
- technical passports for buildings;
- cadastral plan of the land plot;
- contract of sale;
- notarized consent of the spouse.