Russian legislation provides for a list of activities subject to licensing (Clause 1, Article 17 of the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities"). For example, this is a private security activity, medicine or the production of medicines. Let's consider the procedure for obtaining the necessary licenses.

Step 1
If you are engaged in several types of activities subject to licensing, then you need to make a license for each type of such activity separately. There are certain regulations - provisions governing obtaining a license for different types of activities. Such provisions may fix the term of the license, the territory in which the license will be valid, special requirements for the license applicant (for example, qualification).
Step 2
To obtain a license, you must send an application for a license to the appropriate licensing authority (depending on the type of activity). The application can be brought in person or sent by mail. The application must contain:
1. Data on a legal entity or individual entrepreneur - name or full name, organizational and legal form of the legal entity (LLC, OJSC, CJSC), address (location).
2. Planned type of activity.
3. TIN.
The application must be accompanied by copies of the constituent documents of the legal entity, a receipt for payment of the state fee for consideration of the application, as well as copies of documents that are required in accordance with the regulation on licensing a specific type of activity.
Step 3
After considering the application and the attached documents, the licensing authority makes a decision and notifies the applicant about it in writing. In case of refusal to issue a license, the licensing authority is obliged to explain the reason for such refusal.
Step 4
In case of a positive decision of the licensing authority, the applicant is obliged to pay the license fee. After paying this fee, within three working days, he will be issued a document confirming that he has a license. In case of loss of a document confirming the existence of a license, the licensee has the right to receive a duplicate of the said document. To obtain a duplicate, you need to write a statement to pay the fee.