The need to get a job at several jobs arises for various reasons. Someone pays the mortgage, someone has an addition to the family. In this case, it makes sense to officially get a part-time job. The main employer has no right to prevent this. What other rights do you have when you work part-time?

Step 1
Some categories of civil servants and managers of large companies will not be able to get a part-time job. This is also impossible if the employee has not reached the age of 18, and the main work and part-time work is associated with difficult or harmful working conditions.
Step 2
When applying for a second job, you may be required to provide a certificate of your occupation at the first job, which is considered the main one. It is issued in the personnel department.
Step 3
Registration of an employment contract at the place of part-time work is necessary. It is he who will be the guarantor of your rights. It specifies the work schedule, the time during which you must work, as well as the methods and conditions of remuneration. In all matters relating to the legal regulation of the issue of part-time jobs, be guided by article 60.1 of the Labor Code.
Step 4
The second official job involves the performance of their duties within 4 hours, no more. Of course, if you want, you can stay, but you do it of your own free will. The employer cannot coerce.
Step 5
Do not confuse a combination of jobs with a combination of duties. The second is the performance of work in 2 or more positions in one job. The combination may not be charged additionally, so be sure to check this issue.
Step 6
An entry about an additional place of work can be entered in the work book, if the employee wants it. The main employer does this. Take the required supporting documents and present them at the first job.
Step 7
As already mentioned, the employer has no right to prohibit you from earning money in your free time. Even if your employment contract contains a prohibition on part-time jobs, you can easily appeal against it in court.
Step 8
As for the vacation, it is provided for part-time work at the same time as for the main one. If you have a longer vacation at your main job, you can take additional days without pay. All benefits, sick leave at the second job are paid in full.