Every person has had to change jobs at least once in their lives. Someone leaves easily and simply. For others, being fired is stressful. And one of the questions people are asking when they have to change jobs is how to quit without problems. It is the fact that the leadership will prevent them from leaving that stops many people. Meanwhile, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the procedure for dismissal of one's own free will. Here it is worth sticking to.

Step 1
In accordance with article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee who decides to resign of his own free will must notify the management of his decision two weeks before the expected date of resignation. For this, a statement is written, which must be signed by the head. Two weeks start to count from the moment the application is signed. On the last working day, you should be given a work book and make the final payment.
Step 2
In addition to the legal aspect, there is also a psychological one. Many are afraid to quit, because they believe that this will let their leader down. But such a fear is inappropriate here. If you decide to change your job, then you have a reason for it. First of all, you must take care of yourself and your future. And if you doubt the correctness of your decision, then perhaps you should not rush to make it. Better to think it over again.
Step 3
Some, out of a sense of responsibility, report their care in a month, some even in a few months. If you know that the manager will normally take this news, then it really should be said earlier than two weeks in advance. If you are sure that the boss will take this news negatively and may try to ruin the remaining work time, notify him strictly two weeks in advance. This way you will avoid unnecessary worries. And do not worry about where and when they will find a replacement for you. The manager will not be able to make claims against you if you do everything right. If he tries to do this, you can always refer to the Labor Code, which clearly spelled out the provisions on hiring and firing employees.
Step 4
If you are not officially registered for a job, then here you need to be guided by the concluded agreement, which should spell out the points related to dismissal. If there is no agreement, then you will have to hope for the decency of your employer and that he will understand your situation and let you go without problems