The departure of a good and valuable employee is often perceived by the employer as a personal insult. The ability not to quarrel with superiors when parting and maintain good relations with colleagues is a whole art.

It is necessary
a letter of resignation of their own free will
Step 1
Give advance notice of your departure. The law requires the employer to be notified two weeks before the expected date of dismissal. If it is difficult to quickly find a specialist for your position or you are responsible for a large amount of work, give warning of your departure several months in advance. The employer will select a replacement for you, and you can calmly transfer the affairs to a new person.
Step 2
Choose the right time to talk with your employer: “burning” projects requiring focus and attention, important negotiations, stressful situations are unlikely to contribute to the fact that the news of your departure will be received with enthusiasm. Try to choose a time when the leader is complacent, then you are less likely to ruin his mood and enter into conflict.
Step 3
Explain the reasons for leaving. You don't have to say that you were offered a higher salary or a more promising position. Family circumstances or an elementary desire to change the work environment, to gain experience elsewhere are quite sufficient reasons for dismissal. Be firm. Make it clear that the decision is final. And you do not intend to compromise. Thank you for your cooperation. Pleasant and sincere words are unlikely to leave a person indifferent. Even if the work was fraught with conflicts and difficulties, find and mark only the positives. Discuss your work with management. Show that you are interested in ensuring that your departure does not affect the work you are doing - try to complete all current tasks by the scheduled departure date and prepare yourself a replacement.
Step 4
Be impeccable at work, especially in recent weeks, so as not to give rise to accusations of poor performance.
Step 5
A small gift for colleagues, a farewell treat will smooth out the possible negativity from your departure. Don't talk about the bright prospects of a new job - people may be uncomfortable hearing such revelations. Show respect for the feelings of your colleagues.