When leaving, it is desirable to keep not only nerves, but also friendly relations with colleagues and especially with the management. Perhaps, over time, you will even want to return to the organization, and after the correct dismissal, you will probably have a chance to do it.

Step 1
Do not tell any of your colleagues about your intention to quit until the last moment. If the company finds out that you are leaving, the management can select a replacement for you in advance. This will be especially frustrating if you haven't found a new job yet. In addition, co-workers can arrange for you tedious and even offensive interrogations, as well as spread unpleasant rumors. The boss should first of all find out about your dismissal, and then only when you are ready to leave.
Step 2
Try not to get into conflicts with colleagues and superiors. Quitting, people sometimes stop monitoring their actions and express claims that they have kept to themselves for a long time. You shouldn't do this: who knows under what circumstances you will meet next time.
Step 3
Don't let your coworkers and bosses know that you are looking for a new job. Do not post your resume on well-known sites, do not search for vacancies in the workplace, and before calling a potential employer, make sure it is not your own boss.
Step 4
When asked about the reasons for leaving, you do not need to say unpleasant things. Choose a neutral reason: found a better place, would like to climb higher in the career ladder, picked up a job closer to home, etc. But do not talk about conflicts with colleagues, the stupidity of the boss, too low a salary, hated work, etc. Then, perhaps, a former manager or colleague will even be able to help you in the future.
Step 5
Write your application correctly. The best option is to terminate the contract by agreement of the parties, because in this case you will receive compensation. But if your boss does not agree to fire you, write a statement of your own free will, and in two copies. You will need a second copy if, after two weeks of forced work, the manager says that he does not intend to fire you and has not signed any application.