One of the most popular male professions today is security guard. But, unfortunately, a security guard is not only pride, but often an additional headache for the company's management. How do you fire these workers?

Step 1
Check the personal file of the security guard you intend to fire. It must contain a copy of the job description signed by this employee. The fact of compulsory familiarization with this instruction may be agreed separately within the framework of the employment contract concluded with it. If the guard does not comply with at least one point, you can fire him for non-performance of labor duties.
Step 2
In order to have the right to fire a security guard due to age restrictions, stipulate this clause in advance in the contract when hiring.
Step 3
If the security guard's license for security activities has expired (depending on his category, the license validity period can be assigned from 1 to 5 years), make him undergo re-examination by the qualification commission at the ATC. If he refuses to undergo re-examination, you can fire him for inconsistency with his official position. If the security guard you are going to fire did not have a license (which did not initially contradict the employment contract), you can fire him only if he has not passed a medical examination and / or recertification (initiated and paid by the employer). Re-certification for licensed security guards is allowed only if it is stipulated in the employment contract and is due to the specifics of the company's activities.
Step 4
Inspect the work of the guards, taking the shift acceptance log for control. Check out the records for the last month. If, within a month, inconsistencies in the work schedule of this employee with the time sheet were recorded in the journal, then ask the guard for an explanatory note for the periods of his replacement by other employees. If the guard does not have valid reasons for absence from the workplace, draw up an act of absenteeism and dismiss him under the appropriate article. This method (monthly inspection of the shift log) is very effective, as the guards often substitute for each other in the workplace without informing the management.
Step 5
Fire an employee for systematic disciplinary actions (for example, for repeatedly being late for work), especially if in the last month they were reflected in the journal. If there are several such delays, reprimand the employee. If the late arrival at the shift does not stop, fire him for a systematic violation of labor discipline. Before this commission (staff of the personnel department, other security guards and other witnesses) must draw up an act of delay, the employee compiled an explanatory statement. If there are no valid reasons in it, then such an act will already be a legal reason for dismissal.
Step 6
If you (or another person) find a security guard at the workplace under the influence of alcohol or drugs, call a doctor and conduct a medical examination. If the employee refuses this procedure, draw up an act in the presence of 2 witnesses, in which indicate the external signs of intoxication. Such an act will already be considered a good reason for dismissal for violation of labor discipline, as well as for inconsistency with official position.
Step 7
It is also possible to dismiss a security guard for disclosing secret information of the company, in the case of a proven fact of combining the security post with other posts in other organizations.