Changing jobs often brings not only joy and expectations of the best, but also a lot of worries and fears. Not the least on your list of concerns is your worries about how to fit into a new team. Think over the strategy of your behavior in a new place, do not make common mistakes of newcomers, and you will quickly make friends and like-minded people among new colleagues.

Step 1
Be kind and extremely polite, but don't overdo it. Being too considerate can play against you. Smile more often, do not hesitate to ask questions and in no case criticize the procedures at the new place of work. Answer colleagues' questions as fully and clearly as possible, because they are also interested in where you came from and what you are.
Step 2
Choose a person in the team who is the unspoken leader, the soul of the company, or the most experienced and respected employee. Use your energy and charm to develop a warm and friendly relationship with him. And he, in turn, will effortlessly help you get to know the rest of the workers better and devote you to the basic rules of the team.
Step 3
Do not try to immediately become your own in a new team and make friends in the first days of work. At first, listen more, take a closer look and remember. Do not gossip or give unflattering comments to anyone. If you see that the collective is split into several quietly warring groups, observe neutrality and do not join any of them. The error can cost you dearly afterwards.
Step 4
Try to comply with the general rules of the team. If everyone is going bowling on Fridays, then you should not refuse at least the first few weeks. If the company welcomes a strict business style of clothing, then on weekdays you will have to forget about your favorite jeans.
Step 5
Try to remember as quickly as possible and not confuse the names of all team members. It is best to write them down and check your notes from time to time. Usually people hate it when their names are misinterpreted or forgotten. Don't give your coworkers unnecessary excuses to displease you.
Step 6
Don't waste all your energy looking for friends in the team. You came to the company to work, not to be friends. Sooner or later, everyone gets used to the new ones, but if you get too worried and often get into trouble, you can stay in the team for a long time.