How To Introduce A Person

How To Introduce A Person
How To Introduce A Person

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If you are a business person and on duty you have to communicate a lot with new people, then it will be very useful to study the rules of etiquette applied when meeting and greeting. Unfortunately, the culture of meeting and greeting has been gradually disappearing into oblivion lately, so it makes all the more sense to try to preserve it at least in the circle of your acquaintances. So, below are the recommendations that should be followed when meeting new people.

How to introduce a person
How to introduce a person


Step 1

If you represent one person to a group of people, then loudly say his last name and first name. The person who was introduced, in turn, should bow slightly to everyone present at once.

Step 2

If you introduce two people, then introduce them to each other yourself, it will be impolite to just bring them to each other and offer to meet.

Step 3

If you are introducing a man and a woman to each other, then contact the woman with a proposal to introduce your friend to her.

Step 4

If you are addressing a person who has this or that state or military rank, then refer to him as “lord” and by rank, without a name (for example, “mister minister”).

Step 5

If you represent a soldier, then name his military rank.

Step 6

If you are introducing two people of the same age and position, then introduce the person you know best first.

Step 7

If you want to meet someone at a visit or at a reception, then it is better to find a middleman who knows both of you to introduce you. If you can't find such a person, then introduce yourself. If someone starts introducing themselves to you, give your last name back.

Step 8

Remember that when shaking hands, the person to whom you introduce yourself is the first to give. Remember that you need to give your hand at the last moment, since walking with an outstretched hand is impolite and ugly.

Step 9

If someone introduces you, then in response say: "Very nice" or "Nice to meet you." The person who is introduced to you is not obliged to answer you.

Step 10

Remember that young people should introduce themselves first, and then older people. A man should be the first to greet a woman, people who are younger in rank and position should be the first to greet elders.

Step 11

Remember that if a woman enters a room where the company has already gathered, she must introduce herself first, and men in this case must wait for the woman to come up and greet them. And if a woman is the first to leave the company, then she should say goodbye first.

Step 12

When meeting and greeting, always be friendly if you want to observe the measures of decency.

More pleasant acquaintances and meetings for you, and be mutually polite!
