An appeal to the head on issues requiring an official decision must be made in accordance with the rules in writing. And every working citizen of our country was faced with the need to draw up such a document, since it is the application that is the basis for making many decisions. This can be hiring, transferring, dismissing or granting another vacation.

It is necessary
- - A sheet of A4 paper;
- - pen.
Step 1
In the legislative acts of the Russian Federation there is no regulated application form addressed to the director of the enterprise, but there are generally accepted norms and rules for processing business papers. There is only one prerequisite for this document - it must be written with your own hand. So have an A4 sheet of paper and a pen ready, and the printed text of the standard statements will serve as a reference for you. You can see some templates by following the link at the end of the article. Stick to a business-like communication style in your statement, be as short and specific as possible, avoiding unnecessary details and circumstances.
Step 2
Start processing your appeal by filling in the requisites. They should be located in the upper right corner of the sheet. Enter here the position, surname, name and patronymic of the manager in the "to whom" format. Immediately below it, write your position, the name of the structural unit of the enterprise in which you work, your full name in the "from whom" format.
Step 3
In the center of the sheet, write the name of the document "Application" and below it, briefly the essence of the appeal. Next, state your request and indicate dates, if necessary. Sign the document and decipher the signature in parentheses with your last name and initials.