There are many intermediary firms that can help you complete your passport application for a small fee. But you should not contact such organizations, because the tips are contained in the form of the questionnaire itself.

Step 1
Download the application for a passport on the official website of the Federal Migration Service, it is laid out in PDF format. Remember that only applications completed on a computer or typewriter are accepted for consideration.
Step 2
Complete questions 1-5 based on your passport details. Indicate the first name, last name, patronymic and list all the last names that you had earlier in the second line in the format "Sidorova, 2001, Wedding Palace No. 3, St. Petersburg". If you have not changed your last name, write "I have not changed." Indicate the date of birth in the format “April 20, 1981”, write the gender with the whole word “male” or “female”. If you were born before 1991, enter “Soviet Union” as your place of birth. In the fifth question, write down the registration address in detail in accordance with the data of the internal passport.
Step 3
Fill in questions 6-9 with information about your internal passport, citizenship and the purpose of obtaining a passport. In question 6, write “Russian Federation”. In questions 8 and 9, use the clues that are in small print below the line.
Step 4
In questions 10-13, provide complete information on clearance of critical information, prosecution, evasion of obligations imposed by the court. If you give negative answers to all these questions, write “no, I do not shy away,” “no, I am not condemned”.
Step 5
Fill in the table in section 14 of the questionnaire. Include the names of the organizations where you have worked in the past 10 years and the positions held there. List this information from last job to earliest. If study at an institute or school falls within 10 years, write the name of the educational institution, faculty, specialization.
Step 6
Write the number of the available foreign passport, the date of its issue in question 15, put the date of filling.
Step 7
Print the completed application double-sided. Sign. Place the seal of the organization where you work and the signature of your supervisor under the table in question 14.