Often, employees turn to the personnel department with requests to certify a copy of the work book to be presented to the bank when applying for a loan. If you are responsible for maintaining, storing and recording work books in the organization, and such a duty is entrusted to you by order, you will have to certify a copy of the work book.

Step 1
Ask the employee who asked you to certify a copy of the work book for the bank to write an application for the issuance of a certified copy of the work book. You need to fulfill his request no later than three working days from the day the employee applies with such an application.
Step 2
Make photocopies of all completed sheets of the work book, including its first page, indicating the last name, first name and patronymic of its owner. On the copy of the last page, put in a pen the inscription "Works to the present in the position …", indicate your position, sign, decipher the signature, affix the date of certification of the copy and the seal of the HR department.
Step 3
Certify copies of all sheets of the work book by affixing on each page in the lower left corner a stamp with the inscription "True" (if you do not have such a stamp, this inscription can be made by hand). Below, put down your position, signature, transcript of the signature and the date of certification.
Step 4
Fold the sheets of copies of the employee's work book in order. Number the pages with a pen in the lower right corner. Lace the folded sheets. On the back of the last sheet at the point where the ends of the thread are fastened, glue a piece of paper with the inscription "Numbered and laced (number) pages", put the date, indicate your position, initials and put your signature. Fasten the seam of the sheets with the seal of the HR department.