What Is An Employment Exchange

What Is An Employment Exchange
What Is An Employment Exchange

At the time of the job search, which can take months, it is not superfluous to register with the employment center. Here, they will help to find a job, and unemployment benefits will be temporarily paid, and qualifications can be improved for free.


It is good to be unemployed except in countries where payments to a non-working person are more than a thousand dollars. When you leave, you get free time, which Europeans can spend on solving issues that have been postponed for a long time, calmly rest, and then start looking for a new job. In Russia, being a bum is only good temporarily.

Employment exchange - pros and cons

The state labor exchange (employment center) is a place where citizens who have been left without work can apply. It is beneficial to register with the CPC if you want to improve your qualifications without paying a single ruble. The list of courses for which it is proposed to undergo retraining includes a foreign language (English), accounting and tax accounting, computer layout and design. You can also learn hairdressing and nail design.

In the event of a reduction, it is no less advantageous to register with the labor exchange. This must be done within two weeks from the date of dismissal. After that, with a clear conscience, you can try to demand from the former employer the payment of two salaries, such actions are provided for by law.

How to register

To register with the employment service, you must provide the following documents: work book, diploma, salary certificate from the last place of work for 3 months, an identity document (passport). In addition, you will need to write a statement. Refusal to register at the labor exchange will be unambiguously received by persons under 16 years of age, persons retired by old age, persons sentenced to correctional labor or imprisonment, as well as providing false information. If necessary, the employment center may require the provision of additional documents.

It is worth remembering that a certificate of average salary for 3 months and 2-NDFL are two different things. The certificate must be on the letterhead of the organization, certified by the signatures of the head and chief accountant, and have a stamp indicating the address and TIN.

Having prepared a package of documents, you should not count on instant registration and employment. Within 10 days, the staff of the center will offer options for a suitable job in their opinion. In the event of a double refusal of the unemployed to work according to the profile, registration will be refused. If it is not possible to find a job for a dismissed employee during this period, then the status of an official unemployed person will be obtained.

Unemployment benefits

The maximum amount of unemployment payments in Moscow is no more than 7 thousand rubles. The minimum is 1190 rubles. Being registered at the employment center, you will have to regularly study the offered vacancies and go to interviews.

During interviews, employees of the human resources department where the unemployed person is sent may issue a written refusal to hire. Such refusals do not affect the payment of benefits.

During the first year, vacancies will be offered according to the profile of the unemployed, during the second and subsequent years - any. Two refusals to interview are threatened with deregistration and termination of benefits.
