How To Calculate The Duration Of A Business Trip?

How To Calculate The Duration Of A Business Trip?
How To Calculate The Duration Of A Business Trip?

Sending on a business trip is always associated with the fulfillment of a specific task of the employer and the employee in most cases cannot refuse the trip, however, its period should be reasonable.

How to calculate the duration of a business trip?
How to calculate the duration of a business trip?

The duration of a business trip, as well as its purpose, is determined by the employer. The business trip begins from the day of departure to the destination and lasts until the day of arrival back.

The duration of a business trip depends on the degree of complexity and the volume of the service assignment for which the employee is sent.

A business trip can be one day, or it can take a long period of time. The current Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not establish the maximum duration of a business trip. However, you cannot send an employee on a business trip for an indefinite period. The time of the business trip must be set in advance at the employer's disposal. This is necessary both for the correct maintenance of the timesheet and for the calculation of the travel advance.

The term of a business trip includes: the day of departure (that is, the date of departure of the train, plane, etc.), the day of arrival from the business trip (that is, the date of arrival of the train, plane), as well as the number of days required to achieve the purpose of the business trip.

In this case, if the employee goes on the road before 00.00 hours, this day will be considered the day of departure. if after 00.00 o'clock, then the departure is transferred to the next day. But even if the departure takes place at 23.55 on November 1, 2014, this very day will be included in the business trip and will be paid by the employer.

It is important to note that if the station or airport is located within the boundaries of the settlement where the traveled employee works, then the travel time to them is not counted on the business trip, but if you still need to get to another town or plane before the train or plane, the business trip will begin at when the employee went to the place of departure.

Departure or arrival from a business trip, which coincides with a weekend or a public holiday, must be formalized as work on a day off and be paid at an increased rate.
