When interacting with the bank from which you took out a loan, you may have disagreements and conflicts. And in a number of cases, for example, if you do not agree with the commission or the fine charged to you, you can sue the bank, and if the circumstances are successful, you can win it.

Step 1
Find a lawyer who specializes in financial law. Together with him, study your loan agreement and compare it with the claims that you present to the bank. It is possible that the accrued fines and interest are quite consistent with your contract.
Step 2
But in this case, you still have a chance to challenge the contract itself if it does not comply with current legislation. For example, according to the laws for 2012, the bank does not have the right to unilaterally revise the interest rate, even if it is stipulated by the agreement. This decision of a financial institution can be challenged, unless the loan rate was initially considered floating and tied to the refinancing rate.
Step 3
Prepare a statement to the court. A hired lawyer will also help you with this. Give this paper to the court office and wait until the court fixes a date for your hearing.
Step 4
Come to the court session on the set date, preferably with a lawyer. In some cases, the case can be considered in one session, in other situations the process is delayed. If a decision is made in your favor, the agreement between you and the bank may be terminated, but you will still have to return the money borrowed. However, by court order, you can be relieved of various fines and commissions if they are found to be illegal. If you disputed the very fact that you received money, then in the case of court support, you, of course, will not have to repay the loan that you did not take.
Step 5
If the bank itself sues you, proceed in a similar manner. Hire a lawyer and attend all court sessions. Even losing in such a case can be beneficial to you. For example, by a court decision, significant bank penalties for late payments can be replaced with lower interest rates in accordance with the law.