Winning a court against a bank is difficult, but possible. Of course, you will still have to repay the amount taken on the loan, but at least you will be exempted from paying numerous commissions and fines improperly imposed on you by the bank.

Step 1
Before signing the contract, read it carefully in its entirety. Please note: according to Russian law, the bank has no right to charge you a commission for opening an account. As for the commission for servicing the account, in this case you definitely need to ask the bank what services it will provide you for the amounts specified in the agreement. The bank is obliged to provide you with this information, otherwise it may in the future serve as the basis for legal disputes. You will undoubtedly be able to win the court, but you are unlikely to be able to sue in full and in the shortest possible time, without re-claiming the amount in compensation for moral damage for the spent health and time, as well as compensation for the costs of legal services.
Step 2
If the bank unilaterally changed the conditions for the consumer loan you took out and did not warn you about this decision, first contact the bank for an explanation indicating the unlawfulness of these actions. If the bank refers to the fact that such actions on its part are spelled out in the loan agreement, pay attention to the fact that, according to the law, such actions can only be legal in relation to individual entrepreneurs or legal entities, to which you do not belong. If the bank refuses, feel free to file a statement of claim with the court, which should satisfy your claim.
Step 3
If you cannot repay the loan at the moment due to a change in circumstances (illness, unemployment status), first contact the bank with an application for an installment plan for the loan. If the bank refused you, then you can file a claim in court. Get the support of a good lawyer, as such cases can be controversial, especially if you already had loan delays.
Step 4
If you acted as a guarantor for a loan, and the debtor is not going to pay off the bank, do not wait for the bank to send bailiffs to you. Go to court to declare the contract unauthorized. This will also require legal assistance, because only if you cannot pay for the debtor at the moment, the court can reject the bank's claims against you.
Step 5
If the bank turned to the collection service for your debt, bring witnesses to sue the bank, since such a resale of debts on the part of the bank is a controversial transaction.