Since litigation is a laborious process, it takes more than persistence and patience to win. The outcome of any court case largely depends on the completeness and persuasiveness of the evidence base, the literacy of the preparation of the documents presented at the trial.

Qualified lawyer, evidentiary documents, statement of claim
Step 1
Enter into a contract with a lawyer whose high reputation is not only his own advertisement, but also confirmed by numerous won cases. Self-management of a case requires knowledge of legal intricacies, the ability to operate with facts and evidence. It should be decided only in the absence of funds or with complete confidence in the outcome of the case, supported by irrefutable evidence.
Step 2
Make a statement of claim to the court. Submit it to the court in the place of residence of the alleged defendant. Attach to the application all documents that in one way or another may affect the course of the process.
Step 3
At the hearing, be free, but not impudent. Calmly, without raising your voice, defend your position, which is set out in the statement of claim. Draw up questions and counteractions to the respondent in advance, write them down on paper. Avoid being emotional in your speech. Be polite and correct in your statements.
Step 4
Present evidence and argue gradually as you discuss one side or the other of the case.