A donation agreement is an act of gratuitous transfer of ownership of his property by one person to another. Like any other document, it must be drawn up strictly in the prescribed form, regardless of the value of the thing transferred.

Step 1
The donation agreement is drawn up in a simple written form, and it is desirable, in order to avoid disagreements due to poor handwriting, to print it on a computer. Below the very name of the document, highlighted in large bold, the place of compilation is written in words: city and country - as well as its date, which is necessary to exclude the possibility of correcting one digit to another. Since this civil act has two sides: the donor and the donee, the speech in the document is in the first person plural: "We, …". After the pronoun, the persons involved in the case are listed in the form: full name, date and place of birth, passport data up to the code of the subdivision of the issuing authority, and the address of registration.
Step 2
After the donor comes the donee, who can be represented by several persons, and then the property goes into common joint or shared ownership. Next, the first lists the conditions under which he concludes a contract: a sober mind, a solid memory and voluntary beginnings. All information about the transferred property must be specified point by point. If this is a land plot, then its cadastral number, cadastral passport data, as well as, according to it, the value and category of land (for individual construction, agricultural purposes) are indicated. For other property (house, car, bank deposit, securities) other parameters are listed.
Step 3
Real estate, which is the object of civil law relations that have arisen, can belong to the original owner only on the basis of ownership, which is confirmed by the registration certificate. One of the paragraphs must contain its number, series, date of issue and the authority that carried it out. A separate article is a clause that prescribes the desire of the donee to take possession of the property. After signing the donation agreement, unlike the will written by the testator, it will already be difficult for her to refuse it.
Step 4
An apartment, land plot, car and other items must be free of encumbrances: collateral, share ownership rights of third parties, arrest - which is indicated in the next column. The moment of transfer of ownership is indicated - usually this is the signing of a document by both parties. The articles of the Civil Code that should be studied by both the donor and the donee are listed. The real estate donation agreement must be signed by all participants and registered in the Unified State Register.