The contract, which fixes the process of exchanging goods for money, is called a sales contract and belongs to the institution of civil law. This document requires special care when drafting it.

Step 1
The sales contract is concluded between two persons: the seller and the buyer. The subject of the contract is the goods. The seller is obliged to transfer the goods to the ownership of the buyer, who will pay the price indicated for it.
Step 2
The purchase and sale agreement can be both written and oral (purchase of tickets to the zoo). But large-scale transactions are best recorded on paper with the signatures of both parties.
Step 3
The written agreement must be registered with the relevant authorities and the process of notarization of the document. This is done to confirm that the transaction is valid and the contract is correct.
Step 4
Determine the subject of the sales contract. The subject can be called the property that is in the possession of the seller at the moment, or that will be received or created in the near future (usually the time is indicated in the contract as the delivery time). However, money (not including foreign currency) does not fit this definition.
Step 5
The name of the goods must be filled in in the first field of the contract (after the names of the representatives of the parties). This is the only prerequisite that must be met when concluding an agreement. The seller and the buyer must agree on the terms of the purchase and sale of the item. This means clearly identifying its name and quantity in the document.
Step 6
The rest of the conditions (price, term) are not necessary to draw up a full-fledged sales contract. However, some types of sales contracts have price and time as an essential clause. For example, if you draw up a delivery contract, then the time of this delivery itself and its payment are indicated without fail. The contract of purchase and sale of an enterprise or real estate, as well as retail and wholesale purchase and sale, must necessarily contain the price of the specified product.