Job search is a very hot topic in the modern world. Someone lost the old one due to the closure of the company, someone voluntarily wrote a statement, because they did not find a common language with the management, and someone was too late at small work and wants to move on. Each of the above potential job seekers will face the fact that they will be invited for an interview.

When the resume is drawn up, sent, and you got a call and was invited to a conversation, you immediately need to remember a very well-known saying: you are greeted by clothes. This is indeed the case. No matter how deep the knowledge, no matter how serious the work experience, you may not be chosen. Why? Yes, because someone else, just promising, but without experience, thought in detail how he should look at such a crucial moment.
Preferred dressing style
Wherever you get a job (social service, bank, office, store), you need to look appropriate for the situation: elegant, neat, business-like, and do not forget about modesty. Even if overalls are issued at the future place of work, you must come to the interview in a formal suit. Men do not need to wear a jacket, if it is hot, pants and a shirt are enough, a tie is also optional. If it's winter and it's cold outside, you can wear a vest or pullover over your shirt. This option looks much neater than a jacket peeking out from under a down jacket. Women also need to dress strictly: a skirt (preferably up to knee level), a jacket, a blouse. You can replace the blouse with a turtleneck. In warm weather, a strict dress will be enough, only there should not be any open neckline.
Another important detail is the shoes. Men - strict boots or shoes, women - pumps, sandals with a closed toe. Ladies should take into account that too high heels and platforms should be discarded. The heel should not exceed ten centimeters.
Color preferences
One of the safest options would be a combination of white and black. Black is a color for any occasion, emphasizes severity, and white speaks of neatness, neatness and composure. Black can be replaced with brown. This color means calmness and self-confidence. You can choose navy blue, gray, beige. It is worth remembering that the upcoming event, involving a meeting with a future employer, does not tolerate too bright colors. There should be no feeling that you are a frivolous person.
The role of parts and accessories is also important. A sporty watch will not fit a business suit, if there are no others, it is better to refuse them altogether. Also, you do not need to wear glasses without diopters, so to speak, for solidity. It might look ridiculous.
Women should not get carried away with jewelry. If you wear them, then only small earrings and a maximum of one ring, stylistically suitable for a business suit. The same goes for makeup - it should be moderate.
As for tights for women and socks for men, they should be in neutral shades and match the suit. Black or flesh is preferred.