The sudden loss of a job is a great stress and the collapse of many life plans. Therefore, you need to take care in time so as not to suddenly lose your job. You must change office or type of activity solely at your own request. And if there is no such desire, your work should be with you as long as possible.

Step 1
Become the best. Constantly improve in your specialty, master related areas of activity. Sign up for refresher courses, participate in professional competitions. You will become a more valuable specialist, and the management will surely notice it. Well, in case of problems with your organization, you can quickly find another job - professionals are in demand everywhere.
Step 2
Be proactive. Weak, passive and sluggish employees are a ballast in any office. Show initiative, help in organizing extra-work events and office leisure. Do not give up on business trips - it will increase your professional value and broaden your horizons. In addition, you will be able to detach yourself from competitors - including those who are sitting at the next desk.
Step 3
Monitor the labor market constantly. Professional headhunters teach - after getting a new job, immediately start looking for the next one. If problems begin in your organization, you can leave before they become insurmountable. But don't be overly active. Do not send your resume from your work computer and do not discuss possible employment options with colleagues. Your supervisor shouldn't be guessing about the quest.
Step 4
Don't intrigue in the workplace. They don't like brawlers and problem employees and try to get rid of them at any opportunity. If there is a split in the team, you should not defiantly take the side of one of the conflicting ones. If management decides to part with him, you too may suffer.
Step 5
Do not violate labor discipline. Absenteeism, frequent delays, missing important events, missed deadlines are excellent reasons for terminating an employment contract. Do not become vulnerable - with a "bad" entry in the work book, you will have to look for the next job longer.
Step 6
Provide rears. In your free time from your main job, try yourself in the field of freelancing. You can write articles, do photography, design or coding, give lessons or private consultations. Use contacts obtained during work. The most difficult thing is self-control, because the freelancer does not have bosses who monitor the implementation of the plan. But if you adhere to the deadlines for the completion of work, do not overstate the prices for services and engage in an active search for customers, you will succeed. And there, not far from the dismissal from the main place of work - but of their own free will.