It is very profitable to buy an apartment under construction, but there is also a great risk of becoming a victim of an unscrupulous developer. When buying an apartment in a new building, you need to understand what kind of documents the developer should have. It is also necessary to involve a lawyer if the package of documents is difficult to understand.

Step 1
Until 2004, the housing construction market in Russia actually existed as an investment activity, and investments are always associated with risk. People who dreamed of an apartment in a new house happily sold their old apartments and gave money to the developers. Many were left without money and without a spacious apartment in a new house. That is why the legislator was forced to pay attention to the relations arising between the participants in shared construction (the developer and the shareholder).
Step 2
If the choice of an apartment fell on a real estate object that is under construction, then it is important to collect complete information about the developer himself and his construction sites. Find out how many objects are being built, how many were built, how long the general contractor has been carrying out construction activities, in particular, the construction of multi-storey residential buildings.
Step 3
The buyer must carefully study all the necessary permits and design documents that the developer is obliged to provide for review. The developer must have: permits and technical documentation for the building object, a published project declaration, all the necessary documents for the land plot (lease agreement, certificate of ownership).
Step 4
The developer is a legal entity, therefore it will not be superfluous to request from him a full package of constituent documents, these include: certificate of state registration of a legal entity; certificate of registration with the tax authority; information letter about the types of economic activities; the charter and amendments to it (if any); memorandum of association; protocol confirming the powers of the head of the executive body (director, general director); fresh extract from the unified state register of legal entities.
Step 5
In addition to the constituent documents, the developer is obliged to provide financial documentation - approved annual reports, statements of the organization's profits and losses, balance sheets, the conclusion of an audit for the last financial year. If the law requires a feasibility study of a construction project, then this document must also be provided at the request of the person concerned.
Step 6
If the developer has a building permit obtained in accordance with the established procedure, the project declaration contains information established by law and is published in the media. The documents for the land plot are properly executed, the information about the developer is positive, its constituent and financial documents are in perfect order, which means that the developer can attract funds from equity holders for the construction of the facility.