Sometimes there are situations when there is a need for a small additional income. The reasons may be various problems: there is not enough money for a new phone, it is necessary to repay a debt, a loan, pay for studies, etc.

Step 1
Decide what exactly you need, how much time you can devote to work, what is the level of the desired salary, etc.
Step 2
Place an ad in newspapers and other advertising platforms that you are looking for a job. Indicate brief information about yourself: what can you do, how many hours a day are you willing to work; report on such personal qualities as responsibility and hard work, etc. Leave your contact details.
Step 3
Submit your up-to-date resume on the relevant website that recruits for temporary employment.
Step 4
Contact your local employment center. Take with you your passport, work book, educational documents (certificate, diploma, certificate), certificate of average salary for the last three months. After registering as unemployed, you will be able to offer various options for temporary work.
Step 5
Inform that you are looking for temporary work on the personal page of the social network in which you are registered, for example, in one of the following: Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, My World, etc.
Step 6
Look for work on the internet. Go to the pages of specialized sites with job advertisements, select the "temporary" category and carefully study the conditions of the employer.
Step 7
Look through the ads in the section "Offering temporary work" in newspapers, magazines and other media.
Step 8
Notify your acquaintances that you are looking for temporary work. They can tell about you to their friends, those - to theirs. Thus, the circle of people who know about your problem and, possibly, are able to help in some way, will significantly expand.
Step 9
If you love children or have in-depth knowledge of any school subject, offer your friends, neighbors, or friends the help of a nanny or tutor. You can offer the "husband for an hour" service if you are a man and it is not a problem for you to perform minor repairs around the house.