In modern conditions, when business lives in a tough competitive environment, the preservation of commercial secrets is of particular importance. Leaks of such information lead to disastrous consequences that put the company on the brink of bankruptcy.

Step 1
First, define a detailed list of data that will be classified by you as a trade secret and, as a result, cannot be freely disclosed. Create a mode of access to information that will guarantee the maximum degree of its protection. Moreover, you need to pay attention not only to the mode of access to information, but also to the control system for this access. You also need to provide for the measures that will be applied in case of violation of the order of access to data or in the event of their disclosure.
Step 2
Create clear procedures for handling confidential data and prepare appropriate regulations. Familiarize the personnel, who in the future must work with confidential information, with this regulation. You need to pay attention to the fact that you must receive written confirmation that the employee was really familiar with the rules for accessing confidential data. Such a document must be signed by everyone who will have direct access to trade secrets. You need to do this, because according to the Law on Commercial Secrets, an employee can be prosecuted for unlawful disclosure of confidential information only if he has written confirmation of the fact that he is familiar with the mode of access to this data.
Step 3
Make a mark-stamp "Trade secret" on all documents of a printed or electronic form, which directly contains the information that belongs to a trade secret. In other words, you need to designate the confidentiality of data on all physical media where it is contained. In this case, be sure to indicate the copyright holder of the trade secret, whether it is an individual or a legal entity.