In order to perfectly master any business, you need to spend a lot of your own time and effort. All professions are complex in their own way. However, there are those that require from a person not only professionalism, but also endurance, responsibility and resistance to stress.

The question of the complexity of a particular profession is quite extensive. In this case, it is difficult to talk about one of the most difficult professions, because each job has its own nuances. In addition, people often disagree about the complexity of professions, because, as you know, everyone has their own point of view. However, at some points the opinions nevertheless coincide.
It is not for nothing that this profession is considered one of the most difficult. The fact is that the surgeon has to be in a state of nervous, mental and physical stress every day. The patient's life depends on the actions of this person, that is, every movement must carry a specific goal, otherwise the operation may fail, taking the patient's life. It is the great responsibility that makes this profession the most difficult.
Pilots and astronauts
People who master these professions must have extraordinary strength and endurance, because they are also in a state of constant emotional excitement. Representatives of these professions constantly feel the burden of responsibility on their shoulders, especially when it comes to pilots of passenger aircraft.
The complexity of this work lies in the fact that a person must restore with absolute accuracy what was lost many centuries ago or succumbed to significant changes. At the same time, it is important that this object retains its original appearance, and also corresponds to the original in the smallest detail. Restoration as a whole is a very exhausting and delicate work that requires tremendous concentration, in addition, any wrong movement can permanently spoil the historical value.
Natural science professions
This kind of occupation requires extraordinary intelligence, endurance and dedication. In addition, scientific activity in the development of technologies and methods requires a thorough analysis of all possible consequences of implementation. Here it is necessary to carry out volumetric calculations, the smallest error in which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for an enterprise that will operate using this technology. The research of phenomena from a scientific point of view, as well as the invention of drugs - all of this is done by representatives of the natural science profession, so their work is really very difficult.
And these are just a few difficult professions, in reality there are many more. And in order to be an expert in a particular field, you need to spend a lot of time.