The choice of profession largely determines the future of a person. In order to have prospects and achieve success, it is necessary to seriously approach the issue of vocational guidance.

Technical and medical specialists
According to sociological studies, over the past few years, the most popular among graduates and in demand among employers are the professions related to the field of IT. IT specialists of various profiles will be among the most demanded for many years to come. The high-tech industry is developing very quickly, so it always needs: programmers, system administrators, web developers, graphic interface designers, etc.
Also, the labor market has recently been in demand for workers of technical specialties - engineers of various industries. If 10 years ago the engineering profession was at the very bottom of the ranking of professions, today technical specialists are popular. An engineer is required not only knowledge of technical aspects, but also knowledge of economic analysis, organizational activities, and a foreign language.
The professions of construction specialties are popular in the labor market: architects-designers, civil engineers, designers, construction workers. Every day the construction of various objects is constantly growing, in connection with this, the labor market of the corresponding professions is also expanding. Architecture, design of buildings, bridges and transport tunnels, highways and airfields, hydraulic engineering, construction of railways - these specialties in higher and secondary educational institutions have high ratings.
The labor market is also increasing the demand for specialists in the field of nanotechnology, narrow-profile medical specialists (speech therapists, defectologists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, endocrinologists, etc.). Surgeons of various fields are also in great demand today.
Specialists in management, maintenance and service
The active development of the tourism and restaurant business, the beauty industry, the sphere of personal services requires the emergence of professionals in the field of service. The demanded are: tourism managers, administrators, employees of restaurants and beauty salons. Managers, logisticians, marketers, banking specialists are also included in the rating of the most demanded professions.
Philologists and educators
Language specialists continue to be in demand. In connection with the development of international relations, cooperation with the countries of the East, professionals with knowledge of not only European languages, but also Eastern languages are required. Today, a highly professional linguist must know several languages. Also, the rating of popular professions continues to include the specialty of a teacher.